Meeting Schedule & Upcoming Events


Board meetings will be held the second Sunday of the following months at 5:00pm by teleconference:
April, June, October, December, February.
(members have been emailed call-in information)
August Board Meeting will be held at the Annual Picnic

2025 Calendar of EVENTS

January 25th

Membership Meeting & Training Day

The January Membership Meeting will be held on 1-27-2024 at 11:00am.  

10082 N. Vassar Rd., Mt. Morris, MI 48458.  There will be a wild game potluck after the meeting.
Please bring a dish to pass - it doesn't have to be wild game :-)

Weather permitting, we will be doing field work after lunch or whatever else you might want to work on or you can just hang out and socialize!

February 22nd

Annual Meeting & Election
(members & invited guests only event)
 Brick Street of Grand Blanc
1223 E Grand Blanc Rd
Grand Blanc, MI 48439

RSVP must be received by the Secretary no later than February 12th.

We are in the State Room (same as last year) from 4-8pm with set up available at 3pm.

Meeting & Election start time: 4:00
Dinner: 5:30
more details on the Members Only page

August 2nd

Annual Picnic & Fun Day w/Membership Meeting

Seven Lakes State Park - Dickinson Shelter
14390 Fish Lake Road, Holly, Michigan, 48442

Lunch around noon. Membership Meeting at 1:00pm

Event Results

Information is subject to change.  Official and final details will be mailed to the membership and website updated to reflect same.


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